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These days you don’t have to take out cash to pay your bills of coffee and tea. Whereas, what you require is cellphone or give cash to another person. Due to surge of card payment methods which is evolving since last decade has introduced new layer of security called as EMV-based cards. Ultimately, the answer still lies there are they safe and what security layers are added to protect from breached.

Hackers will follow where money is

Mobile payments apps are susceptible to hackers. They usually find out way to stole millions of database of consumer. Then they charge hefty amount for it. It means your information of credit and debit card is not safe. Developers use encryption module in their mobile Apps to secure information of customer but risk of cloud is still there in Quick Service POS Software in saudi-arabia.

Security of Google App

Google is major contender in mobile payment ecosystem.  There are many players in fintech industry. But Google is dominating space of mobile due to its open source of Android platform.  OS is easily integrated with POS Software in saudi-arabia.

Paypal Mobile App safety

Paypal is not new entrant in mobile industry domain.  It’s old player with vigorous expertise in safety of payment methods and customer database. Through Paypal, you can make transactions through your mobile phone and then it send out PIN to email address on checkout page. Instead of App connectivity Paypal uses encrypted server. Which is much safer than traditional Restaurant POS Software in saudi-arabia. Paypal payment process is safe because every time it ask you to enter pin.

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